29 research outputs found

    "The Shift from Belt Conveyor Line to Work-cell Based Assembly Systems to Cope with Increasing Demand Variation and Fluctuation in The Japanese Electronics Industries"

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    As consumption patterns become increasingly sophisticated and manufacturers strive to improve their competitiveness, not only offering higher quality at competitive costs, but also by providing broader mix of products, and keeping it attractive by launching successively new products, the turbulence in the markets has intensified. This has impelled leading manufacturers to search the development of alternative production systems supposed to enable them operate more responsively. This paper discusses the trend of abandoning the strategy of relying on factory automation technologies and conveyor-based assembly lines, and shifting towards more human-centered production systems based on autonomous work-cells, observed in some industries in Japan (e.g. consumer electronics, computers, printers) since mid-1990s. The purpose of this study is to investigate this trend which is seemingly uneconomic to manufacturers established in a country where labor costs are among the highest in the world, so as to contribute in the elucidation of its background and rationality. This work starts with a theoretical review linking the need to cope with nowadays' market turbulence with the issue of nurturing more agile organizations. Then, a general view of the diffusion trend of work-cell based assembly systems in Japanese electronics industries is presented, and some empirical facts gathered in field studies conducted in Japan are discussed. It is worthy mentioning that the abandonment of short cycle-time tasks performed along conveyor lines and the organization of workforce around work-cells do not imply a rejection of the lean production paradigm and its distinctive process improvement approach. High man-hour productivity is realized as a key goal to justify the implementation of work-cells usually devised to run in longer cycle-time, and the moves towards this direction has been strikingly influenced by the kaizen philosophy and techniques that underline typical initiatives of lean production system implementation. Finally, it speculates that even though the subject trend is finding wide diffusion in the considered industries, it should not be regarded as a panacea. In industries such as manufacturing of autoparts, despite the notable product diversification observed in the automobile market, its circumstances have still allowed the firms to rely on capital-intensive process, and this has sustained the development of advanced manufacturing technologies that enable the agile implementation and re-configuration of highly automated assembly lines.

    A Study on Alternative Approaches to Instill Environmental Concerns in the Domain of Production Management of Industrial Firms

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    This article presents a comparative analysis of alternative models of production with environmental concerns that may lead to higher effectiveness in initiatives undertaken by industrial firms towards the development of more sustainable operations. The objective is to organize the knowledge on the subject of such models and provide guidelines that may help managers in selecting the most fitting approach for their business, according to the strategy and conditions of the firm. Among the presented models, the Cleaner Production model stands out for promoting the approach of nurturing the concurrent strengthening of quality, productivity, and sustainability in the existing manufacturing processes by dealing more comprehensively with factors internal to the firm that may be directly controlled by the managers

    A participação do cliente em processos de serviço e as implicações dos possíveis papéis do cliente na criação de valor

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    Vários trabalhos têm discutido a importância da maior participação dos clientes nos processos de serviços. A consideração do envolvimento do cliente implica na necessidade de examinar os papéis que ele pode desempenhar. Neste contexto, este trabalho explora os diferentes papéis que o cliente poderia desempenhar e enumera treze papéis fundamentais identificados numa revisão da literatura: cliente como agente de inovação, comprador, concorrente do provedor de serviço, co-produtor, competidor de outros clientes, parceiro de outros clientes, instrutor, insumo para o processo, quase-gerente, usuário, auditor, produto do processo e promotor do serviço. Um quadro conceitual é proposto relacionando os papéis que o cliente pode desempenhar com funções que na perspectiva da empresa agregam valor. Com o propósito de investigar a ocorrência destes papéis e o modo como os mesmos são explorados, foi realizado um estudo de múltiplos casos em quatro empresas de serviços que têm como objeto principal de seu processo os próprios clientes. Nos processos considerados, foi constatado que o cliente é diretamente envolvido na entrega dos serviços contemplando-se oportunidades para o exercício da maior parte dos papéis discutidos. Verificou-se, também, que diferentes estratégias para efetivar e/ou aperfeiçoar a participação do cliente podem ser buscadas pelas empresas e assim promover maior envolvimento dos clientes

    Integrating the promotion of Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies in search of productivity and quality in an auto parts manufacturer

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    Among the diverse critical success factors that the firms must consider, the pursuit of increasingly higher standards of productivity and quality stands out. In this context, the purpose of this article is to present an initiative to integrate the promotion of the Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies in seeking enhanced operational performance. This integration combines the application of Lean Manufacturing elements that aim at the streamlining of value streams by the elimination of wastes with Six Sigma elements which aim at the systematization of the analysis and control of process variation for accomplishing superior quality. This work is based on a case study on the changes undertaken for the implementation of this approach in an auto parts manufacturer. The organizational structure which was established for the promotion of this approach as well as the mode how projects for the improvement of operational performance are tackled by means of it are examined. The results accomplished reveal that the initiative of conciliating the application of these two methodologies may bring about a more wide-ranging and effective continuous improvement process.Dentre os diversos fatores críticos de sucesso que as empresas devem considerar, destaca-se a busca por padrões cada vez mais elevados de produtividade e qualidade. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma iniciativa de integrar a promoção das metodologias Lean Manufacturing e Six Sigma na busca de um melhor desempenho operacional. Essa integração combina a aplicação de elementos de Lean Manufacturing, que visa à racionalização dos fluxos de valor por meio da redução de desperdícios, com elementos de Six Sigma, que visa à sistematização do processo de análise e controle da variação em processos para se obter qualidade superior. O trabalho é baseado num estudo de caso sobre as mudanças realizadas para a acomodação desta abordagem numa empresa fabricante de autopeças. São investigados a estrutura adotada para sua promoção bem como o modo em que os projetos de melhoria são desenvolvidos por meio dela. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a iniciativa de conciliar a aplicação destas duas metodologias pode contribuir para aprimorar e tornar mais abrangente e efetivo o processo de melhoria contínua.68770

    Productivity and quality improvement programs: a comparative study of Just-in-Time (JIT), Total Quality Control (TQC) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) models.

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    O aumento da competitividade no mercado tem estimulado uma grande busca por conceitos e técnicas que auxiliem os processos de melhoria do desempenho de sistemas produtivos, sobretudo no que tange a produtividade e qualidade. Neste contexto, o estudo da experiência das indústrias japonesas revela que a sua competitividade foi conquistada e tem sido sustentada com base em modelos integrados voltados ao planejamento, implementação e condução dos chamados programas de melhoria da produtividade e qualidade (PMPQ\'s). Tais modelos são baseados em filosofias especificas de gestão da manufatura, sendo que os três seguintes, despontam com grande destaque e constituem o objeto central de estudo desta dissertação: 1. Manufatura Just-in-Time (JIT); 2. Total Quality Control (TQC); 3. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). O presente trabalho é dedicado ao estudo conceitual destes modelos. Para isso foi elaborado um quadro conceitual sobre a estrutura geral de um PMPQ. Tomando-se este quadro como pano de fundo, estes três modelos foram então caracterizados, analisados e avaliados de forma comparativa. Esta análise possibilitou a identificação dos aspectos específicos a cada um, más também evidenciou muitas semelhanças (exemplo: sua aplicação como instrumento de gestão estratégica da manufatura) entre os mesmos.Along the last decades a series of geopolitical and macroeconomic changes have made the competition in international trade tougher. Although the brazilian economy has not been so integrated to the international market, effects of such trend are already disturbing the dynamics of Braazilian companies. Therefore an increasing number of companies have driven themselves into processes aimed to increase competitive power through strategies that value mainly attributes like cost and quality. Such processes have in general a broad scope and are usully called Productivity and Quality Improvement Programs (PQIP\'s). In this context, new paradigms for planning, implementation and guidance of such programs have risen from japanese industries. Among these paradigms, three of them are worthy of special attention and represent the main object of this work. Each of these paradigms have their own manufacturing management philosophy and are the following; 1. the paradigm based on Just-In-Time (JIT) Manufacturing philosophy, 2. the paradigm based on Total Quality Control (TQC) philosophy and 3. the paradigm based on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) philosophy, This work is dedicated to the conceptual investigation of these paradigms. First, a conceptual framework for the general structure of a PQIP was built. Then it was taken as a frame in order to present, analyse and evaluate comparatively the three paradigms. The investigation resulted in the recognition of features that are unique to each one but it also exposed many similarities among them. One commom feature is that all three admit their use as a tool for strategic management of manufacturing, an activity that has been overlooked by western industrial companies organized and managed in traditional way. The investigation also revealed a clear resolution of these paradigms to search the achievement of economic objectives of a firm without confronting and neglecting the social and humanistic demands expressed by the human resources engaged in production

    The Shift from Belt Conveyor Line to Work-cell Based Assembly Systems to Cope with Increasing Demand Variation and Fluctuation in The Japanese Electronics Industries

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    As consumption patterns become increasingly sophisticated and manufacturers strive to improve their competitiveness, not only offering higher quality at competitive costs, but also by providing broader mix of products, and keeping it attractive by launching successively new products, the turbulence in the markets has intensified. This has impelled leading manufacturers to search the development of alternative production systems supposed to enable them operate more responsively. This paper discusses the trend of abandoning the strategy of relying on factory automation technologies and conveyor-based assembly lines, and shifting towards more human-centered production systems based on autonomous work-cells, observed in some industries in Japan (e.g. consumer electronics, computers, printers) since mid-1990s. The purpose of this study is to investigate this trend which is seemingly uneconomic to manufacturers established in a country where labor costs are among the highest in the world, so as to contribute in the elucidation of its background and rationality. This work starts with a theoretical review linking the need to cope with nowadays'market turbulence with the issue of nurturing more agile organizations. Then, a general view of the diffusion trend of work-cell based assembly systems in Japanese electronics industries is presented, and some empirical facts gathered in field studies conducted in Japan are discussed. It is worthy mentioning that the abandonment of short cycle-time tasks performed along conveyor lines and the organization of workforce around work-cells do not imply a rejection of the lean production paradigm and its distinctive process improvement approach. High man-hour productivity is realized as a key goal to justify the implementation of work-cells usually devised to run in longer cycle-time, and the moves towards this direction has been strikingly influenced by the kaizen philosophy and techniques that underline typical initiatives of lean production system implementation. Finally, it speculates that even though the subject trend is finding wide diffusion in the considered industries, it should not be regarded as a panacea. In industries such as manufacturing of autoparts, despite the notable product diversification observed in the automobile market, its circumstances have still allowed the firms to rely on capital-intensive process, and this has sustained the development of advanced manufacturing technologies that enable the agile implementation and re-configuration of highly automated assembly lines

    Productivity and quality improvement programs: a comparative study of Just-in-Time (JIT), Total Quality Control (TQC) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) models.

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    O aumento da competitividade no mercado tem estimulado uma grande busca por conceitos e técnicas que auxiliem os processos de melhoria do desempenho de sistemas produtivos, sobretudo no que tange a produtividade e qualidade. Neste contexto, o estudo da experiência das indústrias japonesas revela que a sua competitividade foi conquistada e tem sido sustentada com base em modelos integrados voltados ao planejamento, implementação e condução dos chamados programas de melhoria da produtividade e qualidade (PMPQ\'s). Tais modelos são baseados em filosofias especificas de gestão da manufatura, sendo que os três seguintes, despontam com grande destaque e constituem o objeto central de estudo desta dissertação: 1. Manufatura Just-in-Time (JIT); 2. Total Quality Control (TQC); 3. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). O presente trabalho é dedicado ao estudo conceitual destes modelos. Para isso foi elaborado um quadro conceitual sobre a estrutura geral de um PMPQ. Tomando-se este quadro como pano de fundo, estes três modelos foram então caracterizados, analisados e avaliados de forma comparativa. Esta análise possibilitou a identificação dos aspectos específicos a cada um, más também evidenciou muitas semelhanças (exemplo: sua aplicação como instrumento de gestão estratégica da manufatura) entre os mesmos.Along the last decades a series of geopolitical and macroeconomic changes have made the competition in international trade tougher. Although the brazilian economy has not been so integrated to the international market, effects of such trend are already disturbing the dynamics of Braazilian companies. Therefore an increasing number of companies have driven themselves into processes aimed to increase competitive power through strategies that value mainly attributes like cost and quality. Such processes have in general a broad scope and are usully called Productivity and Quality Improvement Programs (PQIP\'s). In this context, new paradigms for planning, implementation and guidance of such programs have risen from japanese industries. Among these paradigms, three of them are worthy of special attention and represent the main object of this work. Each of these paradigms have their own manufacturing management philosophy and are the following; 1. the paradigm based on Just-In-Time (JIT) Manufacturing philosophy, 2. the paradigm based on Total Quality Control (TQC) philosophy and 3. the paradigm based on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) philosophy, This work is dedicated to the conceptual investigation of these paradigms. First, a conceptual framework for the general structure of a PQIP was built. Then it was taken as a frame in order to present, analyse and evaluate comparatively the three paradigms. The investigation resulted in the recognition of features that are unique to each one but it also exposed many similarities among them. One commom feature is that all three admit their use as a tool for strategic management of manufacturing, an activity that has been overlooked by western industrial companies organized and managed in traditional way. The investigation also revealed a clear resolution of these paradigms to search the achievement of economic objectives of a firm without confronting and neglecting the social and humanistic demands expressed by the human resources engaged in production

    Application of discrete event simulation in service industry modeling processes

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    O presente trabalho discute a aplicação da simulação no estudo de sistemas de operação de serviços. Como objetos de estudo, são analisados tipos de serviços classificados como "Lojas de Serviços" e "Serviços de Massa". O trabalho inclui uma definição dos requisitos dos usuários para os softwares de simulação aplicáveis na modelagem e simulação de sistemas de operação de serviços, avalia a aplicação de dois simuladores disponíveis no mercado e analisa como o processo de modelagem varia de acordo com o tipo de serviço analisado. Ao final do trabalho, conclui-se que o desenvolvimento da tecnologia de simulação bem como os softwares de simulação em si, ainda precisam evoluir até incorporarem a capacidade de representar uma gama mais completa de elementos e relações envolvidos em processos de serviço, que não são presentes em aplicações convencionais da simulação no âmbito dos sistemas de manufatura.This work discusses the simulation modeling process applied in two types of service operation systems: Services Shops and Mass Services. An issue considered in this study is related to the requirements simulation software tools should fulfill in order to be applicable in the process of building service system simulation models. To analyze the differences in modeling process depending on the type of service considered, two simulators were selected. This study brought to light that the computer technology and simulation software tools still need to go through further developments so that their application can be extended to the modeling and simulation of a broader range of features comprised by service systems in general, which distinguish them from manufacturing systems.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq